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Woodrat Mountain, 1140 Meter

« Voriges Bild Bild 3 von 6 N�chstes Bild »
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7 Votes, 904 Hits [taggi, 28.02.2007]
This shot was taken from about 1000' directly above mid-launch. The landing areas are labeled in the order of use: 90% of the landings are made under the yellow area marked "A", but anywhere in the green works. The "B" area is a popular choice with the hang gliders when there are cows in the upper field. Area "C" is only used by paragliders that can't make the main LZ, usually because the SW wind was stronger than they thought. This last area is not a good HG LZ, the landing is sloped downhill with powerlines on two sides.

This shot was taken from about 1000' directly above mid-launch. The landing areas are labeled in the order of use: 90% of the landings are made under the yellow area marked "A", but anywhere in the green works. The "B" area is a popular choice with the hang gliders when there are cows in the upper field. Area "C" is only used by paragliders that can't make the main LZ, usually because the SW wind was stronger than they thought. This last area is not a good HG LZ, the landing is sloped downhill with powerlines on two sides.

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« Voriges Bild Bild 3 von 6 N�chstes Bild »

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