$1,000 triangle record prizes
As an incentive to promote local flying this summer, The Lumby Air
Force will put up $1000.00 cash to be shared for new official local triangle
records with HG or PG launches from Coopers or Saddle Mountain. The 2013 race
will be over Sept 30th.
The prizes will be given in October for the fastest time around a pilot
designated 25km, 50km and 100km FAI triangle as determined by official track
logs uploaded to the British Columbia Cross Country League
http://www.westcoastsoaringclub.com/comps/bcxcleague.php and properly
authenticated and witnessed.
For this year there will only be an OPEN class for PG and HG for local records
and any records that become official FAI world records in any FAI class will be
given an extra bonus. All entries must be received within 10 days of the flight
to qualify for the prizes.
To enter online, click here