GPSDump for Android
Gary Solomon <<gary>>
GPSDump Android current version 2.7.1 release 30 (available at
android Play store on your phone)
After failing in March the app is now working great for me. I have a Samsung
Galaxy Note II and a Flytec 6015.
Download tracklog from GPS to phone and immediately email, or web upload as
needed. Transferring (2way) and editing waypoints phone to GPS. The waypoint
editor in the app is probably easier than entering waypoint on your GPS!
The app has a number of other features I haven't tried, but added functionality.
Bluetooth connection to GPS. Its own data logger using phone GPS (which can
connect to livetrack24).
You need to do some setup. Similar to the windows app, there is a MISCellaneous
section. You need to setup default file locations which are CasE sensitive, to
get it to write and read files to a usable location on your phone. Also under
MISC is a section "enumerate USB" which you might need to visit each time you
plug in your GPS (like the old 'set comm port' ). You have to buy a "USB Host'
cable for your phone. Available online from many places for about $5.00. This
cable allows your android device to 'be the computer' instead of 'be the
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Laptop getting less necessary daily.