Georgetown, Texas site triangle record
Chris Zimmerman <<chris>>
The flying has been great here. Not much wind, so good for
retuning tasks. On Saturday, September 7th, Mike Degtoff came out earlier than
normal to give me a trike tow at 1:00 PM. We hit turbulence at 1000ft and I was
off tow and thermaling the T2C.
There was a line of showers to the southeast heading my way but the sky looked
good and I was able to make the turn point at Rockdale thirty three miles east
before the rain hit. Then it was northwest to Bartlett and away from the rain.
On the south west leg back to the airport, there was no time to mess around as
the sky was changing and rain was approaching. It turned out to be an easy glide
in with the east wind.
At 5:00 the glider went into the hangar and the door shut. Thirty minutes later
the gust front hit. The new site record is seventy five miles for a returning
task. Total flight time was four hours. This beats the old record of sixty six
miles set ten years ago.