Switching gears
Cross Country <editor>
When flying cross country I like to think that my paraglider has
three gears: First, or crawler gear, is for staying aloft. In this mode I am super tuned in
to finding any lift because if I fail to find some quickly I will soon be on the
deck. I am not thinking about getting anywhere, just getting up. Second gear is for travelling. I have some height and there is a good chance
that I will find more lift en route. I am still not sitting pretty though and am
ready to change back down to first gear and stop travelling if necessary. In
this mode I fly conservatively until I am confident of my position. Third gear. I am in a good position under a good sky. It's time to be decisive
and travel fast. I am ignoring the weaker climbs and using plenty of bar to make
progress. It is easy to change up gears but difficult to remember to change down again. I
have landed early under many good skies by flying in third gear all the way to
the ground. I now consciously ask myself which gear I should be flying in for
conditions and my position. Found on the web