Tandem from the hills in Canada
Immediately after the accident, acting on behalf of the Hang
Gliding and Paragliding Association of Canada, I began an accident
investigation. The investigation concluded in the summer of 2012.
Recommendations were formulated over the fall and in late 2012, submitted to the
HPAC via a senior instructors seminar in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Eventually the legal system slowly formulated its response and on February 11th
2014 our flying community saw the legal conclusion to the story of this tragic
event. The legal system found the pilot guilty of criminal negligence causing
death and has sentenced the pilot to 5 months in jail (and a series of other
court assigned penalties).
The accidental omission of a basic, accepted procedure resulted in the death of
Lenami Godinez-Avila, a person with far too much life left to live. The Godinez-Avila
family and friends have all suffered a great loss. The pilot found responsible
has undergone a permanent dramatic life altering event and will be his burden
for life. There is no resolution that can possibly appear just or proper,
sadly all the parties must live with what it has become.