Hebbronville ATOS encampment
No World Record Encampment this year due to overloaded work with Charlie at the
Zapata County airport and Gary Osoba's work load. Next year Gary expects it to
return. BJ ran down to Hebbronville for a few days and this is his last day. The
goal is Big Spring. He's doing great after a bit of a late start.
Gary still likes Zapata better (but he knows that Hebbronville is better for the
paraglider pilots, as I have pointed out in previous articles). He says that it
has been raining near Hebbronville over the last week and the ground is wet.
They've had low overcast clouds in the morning.
BJ currently holds the record:
BJ landed just north of Sterling City along highway 87 about 40 miles south of
Big Spring. 335 miles (539 km):