Please identify these soaring Florida birds
Glider Dude writes:
Maureen Grant took this picture recently of a glider/dude
launching. There were some birds on the ground that 'came up'/launched with the
glider/dude and we are looking for a positive ID of the birds. Some say juvenile
peregrines, others think ospreys, still others think they are gull-like, and we
have also heard other possible varieties (terns/kites/kestrel/etc.).
Yes, of course, click on the picture above for the high resolution
version. Belinda says Killdeers. There are plenty of them around here at Quest Air.
With those double throat rings they pretty much have to be
killdeers. Hard to find photos of them flying, but these two help. Notice the
mask and, in the second photo, the white leading edge marking. Also the shape of
the wing in flight. Although they look like falcons in the photo, I could not find a single raptor
(or any other bird) with those neck rings. Also, the fact there is a group, and
that they had been on the ground, sounds more like killdeers than any raptor.
Killdeers are common at Wallaby and at Quest.