80 km FAI triangle
Looking at the forecasted T-skew it was clear that the low clouds
that grayed out the sky since at least dawn would continue until almost 2 PM.
The forecast for light winds was encouraging. It didn't look like we would get
very high, but the lift should be good after 2 PM.
On Wednesday the place was packed with pilots eager to fly. We have added Tom
Lanning, David Williams, and Daniel Spier to our cross country task team, at
least for today.
As the clouds began to break up I got in line and was first off at 2 PM. The
cloudbase was low at 3,200' and the lift was between 100 and 250 fpm. Greg
Dinauer and I get to cloudbase and head out. Larry won't launch until five or
six other pilot launch first. George Adams, without a radio (or phone) so that
he has less chance to keep up heads off to the north with us. The first
turnpoint is the Turnpike at highway 33 intersection.
All the cu's are working. I get out in front quickly and just jump from one to
another getting often to cloudbase and having to leave. The lift is between 100
and 200 fpm. I lead into the turnpoint with a few cu's in the area.
Taking the left turn toward Kokee to the southwest, Greg and I find a strong
thermal at 400+ fpm. Suddenly there is Larry. He found strong lift all the way
to the turnpoint while we struggled in survival mode. Things were about to
change with the much stronger lift.
We climbed to 4,100', an additional 1000'. Larry took the lead and we all headed
to the south west to much higher cu's than what we found on the first leg and
with lift averaging between 300 and 400 fpm. All the cu's were working.
I jumped out ahead and was first to the second turnpoint and headed back to the
east northeast to get under the first cloud. Greg was with me. Larry instead
headed east to a nice looking cloud that was further away. We all climbed
With a slight tail wind we had little problem find lift under the cu's ahead
even though they were more widely placed. Greg and I worked strong lift east of
Centerville while Larry worked weaker lift over the Green Swamp. He moved ahead
as we chased from behind.
The route into goal was lifty and it was easy to get back to Quest. Larry, then
Greg and I. Daniel went down very early as did George. Tom went down near the
Kokee turnpoint as did David Williams.
I forgot to turn on Airtribune for this flight, which was not good as I am
continuing to test it and the phone.