Dreaming Awake gets funded
Dave Aldrich writes:
Huge thanks to everyone in the community for stepping up and
backing us. We are beyond humbled! We still have 58 hours to go however so there is still time to become a backer.
Every bit extra we raise will go into making these films just that much better.
Quick example - I was able to hire a motion graphics guy to do the titles for
the films. That's something that I pretty much suck at and having some, classy,
pro looking titles will go a long way toward upping the production value. We are
also working on bringing in a musician to record some sweet string instruments
for at least one song for the Dreaming Awake at The Wallaby Ranch! Super stoked
for that! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1262624297/dreaming-awake-web-series