"Funny" points in competition scoring
Dustin corrects me and writes:
I have continually made it known that I don't like leading points.
And that I like race starts. Getting across the line first means you did
something right, whether pulling or holding back, it was obviously right.
Continually pulling out front in a gaggled up race is often an objectively wrong
decision and I don't think it should be rewarded. I don't think the result will
be slower, bigger gaggles. Some of the most aggressive, out front type pilots
come from Brazil where there are only race starts.
Jonny Durand <<jonnyjnr80>>
I however do disagree with Dustin and I believe the person who is
taking risk to help the lead gaggle should be rewarded. Currently it is not a
huge reward, more of a feel good bonus at the end of the day knowing you get
some "funny points" as Davis calls them. Dustin is right in the fact that Brazil
hosts some of the best leading pilots in the world and they currently use FS
with leading points. This however is not the reason they all like to lead but
more because of their national ranking system. Most pilots only want to win
days and don't care as much about their over all results.
I know you say there is not much difference Davis (between "arrival time points"
in OzGAP 2005 and the combination of "leading points" and "arrival position
points" in GAP 2014), but I would be interested to see if we re scored the Quest
Air Open Nationals Championships with lead out points using FS (GAP 2014), what
would happen to those fourteen points that Oleg won by. We may very well find a
different outcome.
Why should someone that takes no risk all day long who just follows and stays
high get the same points as the pilots that are doing all the work providing
they cross the line at the same time?
Your scoring program (which implements OzGAP 2005 and "arrival time points"
written by Michael Zupanc) does not promote racing. It simply promotes the last
glide of the day. We might as well start at one time and do just one glide and
see who can cross the line first!
Two years ago I compared a couple of competitions using different
scoring systems. Here: http://ozreport.com/17.039#0 and here:
In the previous article I was not arguing that OzGAP 2005's "arrival time
points" were better or worse or different than GAP 2014's (GAP 2002) combination
of "leading points" and "arrival position points." I was merely arguing that GAP
2014's "leading points" apparently do not do what I think Jonny thinks that they
do, reward the pilots who pull the leading gaggle. I have presented some
evidence (and pointed to additional evidence) that this is a correct