Out and return from Fiesch
Antoine Boisselier. 332 km.
After a quiet early start from Fiesch (10h35) I had a real
pleasure to discover the Haut Valais from above for the first time! 10 min after
take off, the longest Glacier of Europe is below you, it's already worth it!!
After few kilometers I meet a Big Bearbed Vulture (Gypaete barbu) who decided to
follow me for a while, very close in my back! I guess he was curious to see one
hang glider in between all the paragliders that where flying in Fiesch that day!
It was so cool and really impressive! I kept going until Grimsel pass, almost at the End of the Valley! Then I U-turn
and continue discovering this amazing Swiss mountains! Our Goal in the morning
with my buddy Guigui Blues was to fly above Matterhorn, but I rapidly realized
that it was not the good day to do so as the base was way too low. So I went
down the Valais to Martigny and I thought, maybe it would be possible to keep
going west and visit my own country! Let's go to France!! Even if I already knew this place, it's always nice to fly in Chamonix valley,
in front of this big Mont Blanc! The conditions where very nice and it was still
early! No thunderstorm in sight so let's go further! I fly over les houches, then mont Joly and to the end of the cloud street,
almost over the ski resort of les Saisies! From there I could see the
Chartreuse, my home mountain range! For sure I could fly back home but I still
have more to explore in Swiss! It was 15h40 when I decided to go back and I have 141 km to fly to land in
Fiesch! I know it's possible, but still it's a nice challenge! The west face of
the Mont Blanc where working pretty well so passing the border again without
showing any passport was easy! The lowest point of my flight was near Verbier, where the valley breeze was
crazy! 1800m is not that low, but there, it wasn't comfy. I went in the inside
and climb up again and from then I entered deep into the big peaks!! Pushed by a nice west wind, it was just smooth and sweet! I was coming back
easily so I really enjoyed the last part of the flight in those impressive
+4000m peaks! At one stage, I had the feeling of being lost while turning a weak
thermal, I was in a dream, dreaming awake! Getting close to my goal I could hear my mates on the radio!! Guigui also had a
great flight, pushing through Zermatt Valley, he was screaming his joy in the
talkie walkie! I pulled the bar to the landing and he and Chris Tong Viet where
waiting at me with a nice bar of Toblerone!! What a blast!! 8h50 min in the air, 330 km, 10 glaciers, two countries, much fun, it was not
only a great performance, but for me the most scenic flight of my life!
Discovering new places with such a unique point if view! It's what drives me in
the life and I'm happy to share this with you my friends!