Flying Gypsies
Welcome to the summer gypsies! In this video we are experimenting
with cutting edge new equipment and mounts, specifically a 3 axis glider mounted
Gimbal to give Hang Gliding a fresh and innovative look.
Over the years we have watched countless Hang Gliding videos and always thought
to ourselves how could we make this scene or flight more interesting?? Why is it
that the camera doesnt do justice to the way the wing rolls, pitches, and
flexes through the air and how active and interesting free flight really is?
This video is our attempt to answer those questions. In this film we have
blended and utilized different styles of flying from my shitty wingovers to the
worlds youngest Hang 4 stomping a tree run with no shoes no shirt and no
Is this the answer we have been looking for? I dont know, and its just our
first attempt, but it sure makes Hang Gliding a whole lot more fun to watch. So
we challenge you! Lets make some sweet videos, be an ambassador for the sport
and inspire future generations to take their lives to the next level. Thanks for
watching and be on the lookout for more to come.
Thanks to Adam Bain