CIVL safety network
Raymond Caux writes:
At last the safety network in its new edition
is now on. The CIVL safety pages have been updated. The network is
intended to keep all this system alive, gathering and spreading worldwide as
fast as possible any new critical safety issue. Then you'll find eighteen
reflection articles, presentations or links. There are many others around, those
ones were selected to be as short and synthetic as possible to keep the reader
interested. In the hang gliding and paragliding sections are the specific data. The incident
types are information bases without any statistical aspect. The safety notices
are gathered from several federation and manufacturer websites, with a special
thanks to Karl Slezak and the DHV notices in English. Please feel free to comment, and don't hesitate to advertise in your own
network. Those pages have been there since 2012 but seem to remain rather
unknown until now.