Star of Switzerland
The symbiosis of these, no longer existing in nowadays aircraft
features, may have been the reason for a handful Connie-freaks in Switzerland,
to found an association named Super Constellation Flyers Association, back in
the year 2000. The aim of the new aviation-club was, to discover a "still
airworthy and restorable Super Constellation" somewhere in the world, to bring
her to Switzerland and operate her as a club-aircraft. A completely crazy, but
brilliant idea at the same time! Due to the fact, that never before in Swiss
aviation-history a single Super Constellation had been registered in the
aircraft-registry of Swiss Civil Aviation Authority (BAZL), the small group of
founders earned much scorn for their "madness idea". But the Connie-crazy people
could not be putt-off the idea and certainly not diverted from their project. They succeeded in Santo Domingo, capitol city of the Dominican Republic, where a
retired, but still airworthy Lockheed Super Constellation (L-1049), was offered
for sale. Once the purchase agreement was concluded and the agreed price was
paid, they flew her in a first step to the United States, to make her ready for
a later transfer to Switzerland.