2016 Quest Air Open (both parts)
Fifty one pilots have signed up for the Quest Air Open National Championships.
There are only sixty slots available. If you want to come to the competition it
would be best to register now, fill out the waivers and pay for your spot as
that determines who gets to come.
Speaking of who is coming, we have:
- https://airtribune.com/2016-quest-air-open-national-championships/pilots
- Jonny Durand, Australia, world number 1 (http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&ladder_id=1&)
- Zac Majors, world number 3, US ranked number 1, (http://ozreport.com/19.202#3)
- Yoko Isomoto, Japan, current women's world champion, (http://www.fai.org/civl-events/civl-champions/161-civl/35703-fai-champions-of-the-past-hanggliding-class1-women)
- Oleg Bondarchuk, Ukraine, world number 20, winner last year,
- Tulio Gervansoni, Italy, world number 24,
- Malcolm Brown, Great Britian, world number 41,
- Robin Hamilton, world number 46, US ranked 7,
- James Stinnett, world number 52, US ranked 4,
- Larry Bunner, world number 64, US ranked 6,
- Davis Straub, world number 70, US ranked 3,
- Olav Olsen, world number 95,
- Chris Zimmerman, US ranked 8,
- Greg Dinauer, US ranked 10,
- Patrick Kruse, US ranked 11.
Five women pilots are entered, the most in quite a while.
Seven sport class pilots and four ATOS pilots (again the most in quite a while).
Most of these top pilots are also coming in the Quest Air Open (part 2):
Twenty five pilots have already signed up for this high level competition.