2016 Big Spring Nationals
Wow, a bunch of new entries this week and it's great to see this
interest in the Big Spring Nationals. We love flying in Texas and are looking
forward to seeing you all in Big Spring. Please don't get caught having to pay more for the competition. At noon Mountain
Daylight Time on Friday, June 3rd, the entry fee rises to $400. http://ozreport.com/2016BigSpringNationals.php https://airtribune.com/2016-big-spring-nationals/pilots Pilots make the competition a joyous occasion. We just provide the venue and the
opportunity to fly together with your friends. We love flying in Big Spring because the cu's always show up around 1 PM, they
are big fat thermals, and you can land any where without hitting anything, Lots
of retrieval routes. Goals at air fields with wind socks. Free ice cream. Air
conditioned pilot lounge. Make sure that you get confirmed early (registered, entry fees paid, waivers and
medical forms filled out) so that we can have the resources needed to make it
great. Twelve pilots in sport class so far.