2017 Senior Soaring Championship
Jim Lee won the practice day last Friday. Joe Bostik and Steve Arndt are also
there. If you read the two reports I posted about our flying and the flying at
the Florida Ridge on Saturday, you'll find this of interest:
Mar 11 Report
If you liked yesterday (we didnt), youll love today. That was the
introduction to todays weather report from ace weatherman Fernando Silva. His
point was that wed have much the same airmass (so weak, blue thermals) with
less wind (meaning those weak thermals might actually allow semi-decent
progress). It seemed likely the day would die early perhaps by 4:30. In the
face of this, a fairly wimpy task was set.
It didnt work out as the forecast predicted and (for once) in a good way. An
area of cumulus clouds, predicted to stay tantalizingly out of reach to the
northeast, instead developed nicely and overran the gliderport, giving good
pre-start climbs to over 5000 feet. Task areas to the south stayed blue, but
gave some pilots good lift to 6000 feet and above. Heading north, pilots
connected with the clouds for (mostly) problem-free flying. Lift was available
at least until 5 pm. In sharp contrast to yesterday, all pilots landed at home.
Fernando has talents that extend beyond weather prediction. In this case he
grasped the real weather better than any other pilot and flew 133 miles at a
speed over 72 mph, good for first place. A total of 7 pilots had raw speeds
above 70 mph, on a day when before launch most would probably have settled for
After two days of unflyable weather, we have a blue day with 20
mph west winds (at 2,000') forecasted, but strong lift. Quite cold with a
predicted high of 67 and top of lift at 4,000' to 5,000' dropping later in the
day. Right now it is completely overcast at 8:47 AM.
Thanks to Ron Gleason.