2017 Canadian Nationals
Gilles Normandeau writes:
Those guys who flew the practice day yesterday didn't need any practice. Doug Keller declared a 322 km goal and made it.
Day 1 - June 4
Today, the various committees have been set. Safety is comprised of Greg Leslie, Timmy Middlemiss and myself (Gilles Normandeau). The task committee includes Doug Keller and Rob Clarkson. The first task was a straight race to goal at Wilke, Saskatchewan about 130 km from the the launch area.
Launch opened at 1:00 PM and several sank out right away and needed to relaunch.
Only one pilot made goal and several others surpassed the 70 km mark. Official
results should be available in the morning.
Day 2 - June 5
Day 2 of the Canadian Nationals was called because of changing winds and
possible thunderstorms in the area. Tomorrow's forecast is looking better.
Here is a link to Doug Keller's record flight from Saturday: https://www.xcontest.org/world/en/flights/detail:skyward/3.6.2017/19:34
Doug Keller writes:
The flight was a Canadian record for declared distance to goal. It wasn't during the competition so it wasn't a competition task.