The Worlds in Brasilia
A NOTAM will be issued for this event, assuring a safe airspace to
all pilots involved.
Due to the heavy air traffic around the international airport of Brasília, a
flying area with altitude limitations will be established and there will be an
entrance corridor to the city, to be used on tasks with goal at the Esplanade.
All pilots on the competition must strictly abide to it.
The entrance corridor to Brasilia is already twice as large as the one used on
the 2016 test event.
For the competition days, the Organization got the authorization of a safe area
for the tasks, under an issued NOTAM, with significantly improved vertical
limits, compared to the ones authorized last year.
2017 vertical limits are: Asa3 (green) FL120 3.658m, Asa2 (pink) FL110 3.353m,
Asa1 (blue) FL105 3.200m.
Pilots are reminded that this is a FAI Category 1, World Competition, where
anti-doping rules will be strictly observed and enforced, either for fair play
principles, as well as for competitors safety.
Its worth mentioning that alcohol is on the list of forbidden substances, and
its tolerated limit is 0.10g/l, which could be present on a blood sample after
drinking approximately 300 ml of beer, so pilots be careful on parties and
The local regulations will set the takeoff limit for 40 km/h of constant wind
and 52 km/h of gusts, measured on the ramp at mans height.