LanzaXCamp 2017/2018
Thomas Weissenberger <<thomas.weissenberger01>>
The LanzaXCamp is happening again. The hang gliding clinics
include personal coaching, glider gear, car transport, retrieve and one of the
most consistent and scenic flying sites in Europe on Lanzarote Island, Spain.
Customers just need to bring their harness in the airplane to make this flying
area accessible for hang glider pilots from all over the world.
Dates: 11th of December 2017 till 24th of February 2018, each week Monday till
Saturday (six days schedule).
The LanzaXCamp should be seen as an effective winter training camp for advanced
pilots including personal coaching and the latest topless glider gear to improve
flying skills, glider control and average speed. But mainly to increase and push
the personal comfort zone.