Whitewater ready to reopen for 2018
Danny writes:
We will be flying out of Whitewater this season.
Marcus Tincher, the new land owner, has found a source for insurance at a
reasonable rate, so we are good to go.
Because the deal with Tincher is on a year-to-year basis, we will also be
testing the waters (air) at Palmyra, and maybe a couple other places as well, in
search of a viable alternative.
I've attached a Membership form, reflecting the agreed upon dues increase.
Please include your USHPA information, the insurance included with it may be a
requirement to fly here.
Last fall, Mark bought the yellow tug, so I could afford to buy a more powerful
Dragonfly from Tracy at Cloud 9 in Michigan. I'll be ferrying it home as soon as
the weather breaks. I'll be renting Hangar 3, instead of Mark as previously
thought, and will have space for several set-up gliders. Previous occupants and
hang gliders will have priority over motorized aircraft. Rent is the same as
last year, $300 for the season.
The interesting story is the insurance. Previously, like most
flight parks, Whitewater did not carry liability insurance. But, the new land
owner required adequate liability insurance for the airfield. He and his lawyer
found that insurance (not from the USHPA or the RRRG) that was adequate as far
as they were concerned. I hope to hear more soon.