2020 Hang Gliding Calendar
Sander van Schaik writes:
Every year I design a Hang Glider Calendar. This is to promote our
hang gliding sport. The best way to help me out with this is to send your photos
to me. The design will be white and the format to what fits in your mailbox so it saves
shipping costs.
Making a Calendar like this is not possible unless you, the hang glider pilot,
send me one or multiple photos. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner on
a floater or a hotshot on a topless glider, every photo has got its story and
the diversity of the photos make a calendar better.
Your Hang Glider photos can be sent to sander@svs-design.nl. Please include the pilot's and photographer's names as
well as the location where the photo is taken. If the amount of data is really
large, you could use services like
To reward the ones sending photos for the Hang Glider Calendar, the best 12
photos get a free Calendar. Photos can be sent until October 20th (less than 2
The Calendar itself will be available in the last week of October at
www.hanggliderproducts.com (at the moment I am building a new webshop) and
will be sent out around November 15th.
Help promote our sport
The best way to promote the sport is having the Calendar on as many walls as
possible. If you order bigger volumes you get discounts. Or you become a dealer,
which are already available in Germany and the Netherlands. If you would like to
be a dealer for the Hang Glider Calendar in your country, please contact me.