Cowboy Up in Valle de Bravo
Tiki Mashy writes:
All the hang 2's got their personal bests. Casey, Aaron, Ellen and
Read soaring an hour and getting above launch altitude. Thanks to Jeff at
FlyMexico for radio assisting our fledgling to help them soar. At one point Jeff
juggled all four in the air at the same time and they all stayed up.
Today was another fan-freakin-tactic day With Long flights and reaching
cloudbase over 10k.
We have such a great group of pilots out this year - we all feed off the success
of each other and particularly off the accomplishments of the hang 2's.
Efrain arrived today-and you could have knocked us all over with a feather when
Efrain rang in the new year by buying dinner at the fancy Italian restaurant for
the whole gang, all 12 of us.
Day 3, overcast but soarable. Ellen two more launch video so more to come for
today. It was a scratchy day but we still got to soar. It was Efrains first day
in Valle and he soared above launch. Masayo and I were wing tip to wing tip
climbing in the scratchiest little thermal we got up from down low - well done
Dinner party tonight planned at the pool house Villa.