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Drought broken in the Hunter Valley

... Oz Report readers may remember my stories in February about the Hunter Valley ...

How we visited the vineyards where the grapes were all desiccated. Of course, then the rains came for the paragliding worlds, but not that much in the Hunter Valley itself. Then the rains came to the coast at Newcastle, but again, dry inland. Well, now it is wet there.

Billo  <> writes:

Al Giles and I went for a fly over the river and down to the harbour on Monday. I have posted an album of pics taken on Sunday and Monday from that flight at:

You may recognise some of the land marks. Note in photo DSC6100 the airstrip is in the centre of the photo, mostly submerged in flood waters. There was two feet of water through the hanger on Saturday.

The airstrip is Wallsend, where Ricky Duncan parks his trike (and so did I until recently). Wallsend is on the Western edge of Newcastle city.

Route on Google Earth here.

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