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US FAI Triangle record?

... Did Kris Grzyb set the US FAI triangle record at 200 km? ...

Kris Grzyb <> writes:

FAI Triangle 125 miles (200 km). June 9, 2007 near Chicago, IL.

Finally we had nice weather here in the Midwest. After double checking the BLIP Maps my Saturday flying choice was Enjoy Field, home of the Hangglide Chicago Club. Dr.Jack says most of Illinois and Indiana that day will have 550 fpm with top of the lift 4000ft (225 fpm) with almost no wind. My plan was a triangle, but how big? Two years ago I made 93 miles (150km). Why not 125 miles (200 km)?  I had two concerns, first about the weather (it is too weak?) and second, was the brand new Moyes Litespeed RS on my roof rack.  I had received the glider three days before. I had made two late evening flights last Wednesday to check hang point, etc, but this was the first day in thermic conditions in my new ship.

When I got to the airport a few cu's were already at 4000 ft and Dragan and Dion were near cloud base. It is a very rare sight here to see such great thermal conditions so early in the day. I knew I wanted to speed up setup with my glider, but I am still learning how to set up the new wing.

I took off at 11:24 AM. Bogdan towed me to the first cu where I got 300fpm. Thanks Bogdan.

When I reached about 4000 ft, I went to Dion four miles east of airport. We did play for a few minutes in zeros, but I left him to fly east to the next cloud, he went back to the field. I was alone, but I find 500 fpm and I topped out at 4800 ft.

Now I have seen that conditions are great and I know that only high speed and high altitude can help my dream come true. I move onto my course line where I find nice thermals under clouds. I was able to stay within a mile or so of the course for almost the whole route without any problems. After almost two hours I get to the first turn point over I-65 and highway 2. At this time the last cloud disappeared and I begin flying in typical blue thermal mode.

The distance between thermals was not too big at lower altitudes. The inversion level was at 4900 ft but a few times I was lucky enough to punch thru with stronger thermals to 5200 ft. Average lift was 500 ft/min but sometimes I had 800 ft/min. I reach the second turn point at 41 and 52 after another two hours so my average speed was about 20 mph. The flight was not difficult, even easy, over this wonderful terrain. At this time, the corn in Illinois and Indiana is low and the ground is heating fast.

After ten miles of the last leg, the flight becomes a little slower and lower but not for very long. After another couple of miles I come back into a strong thermal to 5 K. Now I am in the best part of the flight because I am pretty sure I will make my goal. I did not speed up to end off my flight because I didn't want to take any risk of being short.  My plan was to close this triangle.

When I was descending over one of the hangars I could smell Joe Yobka's fresh hamburgers, and I realize that I have come back on time.  Lot of friends Dragan, Gary, Ron, John, Terry, Dan and Joe were waiting for me with cold and wet beer. I landed six hours forty minutes after I took off. Tired but happy I begin slowly breaking down my new glider.

Kris Grzyb

See flight here.

Photos by: Dragan Milovanovic, Kris Grzyb.

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