My simple proposal to the USHPA EC/BOD
Previous articles in this series
1. The EC should suspend any plans to implement any part of the Competition Workgroup Working Draft.
2. Have the EC or the BOD at the Spring BOD meeting up the value of the USHPA sanctioned hang gliding competitions from 300 points to as high as 600 points each, to encourage additional participation in competition in 2009.
3. The Competition Committee (Mike Haley in particular) should sanction the King Mountain Nationals and the Big Spring Flatland Nationals and split the National Championship (a new means of determining the National Championship should be discussed and implemented at the Fall BOD meeting). In addition, Mike should sanction ASAP the Flytec Meet (as soon as it is applied for).
4. The EC should ask the Competition Workgroup to create a list of very specific goals that they expect whatever plan they create to meet (and include a time schedule).
5. The EC should ask the Competition Workgroup to begin to implement the suggestions found here, here and here.