Standard Operating Procedures
1. Competition Rules are normally modified every fall except when immediate situations take precedence.
Do we have an "immediate situation?" The USHPA Strategic Plan was adopted in 2005. The Competition Workgroup's Working Draft was referred to at the Fall 2008 USHPA BOD meeting and the BOD voted, without actually being aware of the contents of the plan, to proceed with requests for input on the plan.
So where exactly is the "immediate situation," that the SOP refers to? Without this "immediate situation" the Competition Rulebook can't be changed until the Fall 2009 BOD meeting.
Remember the Competition Workgroup Working Draft was not even presented to the Competition Committee at the Fall 2008 BOD meeting, which is a requirement for making changes to the Rulebook. That is it is the Competition Committee that applies the changes and presents the proposed changes to the full BOD meeting for their approval.
Are they going to play by the rules or not? What does the BOD and the EC leave itself open to when it doesn't follow its own rules?