SeeYou updated
SeeYou 3.91
New version of SeeYou is available.
It needed refreshing due to an unfortunate UTC offset problem.
In the process a significant feature for all those who are preparing to score a competition has been added. SeeYou is now able to load competition results to Soaring Spot automatically. You can setup the upload interval through Edit > Contest properties > Options > Publish to Soaring Spot every 5 minutes.
IGC Mail
IGC Mail is an extremely simple yet effective free utility for the scoring office from Naviter. It shines when it is used in combination with SeeYou Competition and Soaring Spot.
SeeYou version 3.91 has a useful new option. You can set an interval at which results are automatically published on Soaring Spot. Here's the process: Competitor emails his IGC flight file to your email. IGC Mail downloads the IGC file and stores it locally. Your scoring computer picks it up and scores it automatically. After a few minutes SeeYou Competition uploads the updated results to Soaring Spot. The competitor's result is published online while you are having lunch and coffee!
This procedure has already been used successfully at the World Championships in Rieti. Now it is available to everyone!
I've run into problems with SeeYou 3.91 and downloading Garmins.