The 1013 proposal
As you are no doubt aware (, CIVL has a committee that is supposed to figure out how to deal with altitude measurements in time for the 2009 Worlds. I spoke with British team member Gary Wirdham the other night. Gary is also a commercial aircraft pilot. Gary is aware of all the issues with regard to this issue. Here is his suggestion (the next two items only).
1) Use barometric altitude.
2) Have pilot's set their instruments to 1013 (standard atmosphere) altitude at launch. This is easily done with the advanced Flytec and Brauniger instruments.
GPSDump will now download barometric traces to your IGC and KML file from Flytec, Brauniger, Flymaster, and DSX instruments. This will allow the scorekeeper to view your altitude trace (although I'm not exactly sure how - of course, it can be done with SeeYou).
Pilots without these instruments will be disadvantaged (so they need to be told about this issue far in advance of the Worlds). Pilots with GPSes that measure and record GPS altitude only (and don't have baro sensors built in) will be required to not go above 500' below the height restriction/airspace.
Pilots with GPSes with baro sensors will be required to have them sealed on launch by the meet director's assistants, so that the pilot cannot push the buttons.
Penalties. No penalty for staying in restricted airspace or above height limit for 30 seconds or less. 10% daily score penalty for spending between 31 seconds and 3 minutes. 30% daily score penalty of being more than three minutes in the restricted area.
This is the area of the Local Rules for the Worlds that I would like to see changed:
11. 2 Controlled Airspace:
Pilots are expected to familiarise themselves with all controlled airspaces and any competition airspace limits in the vicinity of course lines from the maps and information supplied. The onus is on the pilot at all times to prove that he/she has not infringed on airspace. The track logs of at least the top 20 pilots for each task will be checked for airspace infringement. Other random checks will also be made. Penalties for verified infractions will be applied as per Section 7A 2.28.2 & 16.5.8
Competition Altitude limits will be shown on the competition maps (does not apply to any Start Gate height limits which may be used).
Altitude will be checked using GPS altitude taken from the pilots track log and checked using the scoring software. GPS dump will only pass GPS altitude from the track to the scoring software. It ignores barometric altitude. It is the pilots responsibility to establish the difference between GPS altitude and the barometric altitude of the instruments he/she flies with.
7. 2: Start Gate height limits:
Provided that the system and equipment is approved by the CIVL at the 2009 Plenary, at any task briefing the meet director may specify a GPS altitude limit for crossing the start line into the speed section of the task, i.e, either entering or exiting the start cylinder, depending upon the type of start used for that task.
I would like to see these changed to use barometric altitude.