Team Competition at the Rob Kells Memorial
The Florida Ridge has put aside $500 for the winner of the team competition ($100/team member). John Harris at Kitty Hawk Kites will match it if the US National Team wins. Glen Volk, Ollie Gregory, Steve Kroop (Flytec USA) and Jamie Shelden each pledged $200 to the US National team if they win the Rob Kells Memorial. The competition is very tough. Here are the teams: Pilot | Team | Glider | Davis Straub | USA | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Jeff Shapiro | USA | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Dustin Martin | USA | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Zac Majors | USA | Wills Wing T2C 144 | Jeff O'Brien | USA | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Andre Wolf | Dream | Moyes Litespeed RS 4 | Chris Zimmerman | Dream | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Carl Wallbank | Dream | Moyes Litespeed RS 3.5 | Jonny Durand | Dream | Moyes Litespeed RS 3.5 | Glen Volk | Dream | Moyes Litespeed RS 4 | Derreck Turner | Big and Tall | Moyes Litespeed S5 | Paul Tjaden | Big and Tall | Aeros Combat L 15 | Larry Bunner | Big and Tall | Wills Wing T2C-144 | Tom Lanning | Big and Tall | Wills Wing T2C - 144 | Patrick Kruse | Big and Tall | Wills Wing T2C-144 | Konrad Heilman | Blind Squirrels | Moyes Litespeed RS 3.5 | Mark Frutiger | Blind Squirrels | Wills Wing T2C 154 | Phill Bloom | Blind Squirrels | Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 | Linda Salamone | Blind Squirrels | Moyes Litespeed S3 | Ben Dunn | Blind Squirrels | Moyes Litespeed RS 4 | Eric Donaldson | | Wills Wing T2-144 | Jeff Chipman | | Moyes Litespeed S4 | Greg Chastain | | Moyes Litespeed S 5 | Miguel Molina | | Moyes Litespeed S 4.5 | Evgeniya Laritskaya | | Aeros Combat L 12 | Lucas Ridley | | Moyes Litespeed S3 | Charles Allen | | Icaro |
Day 1:
- Dream 3385
- USA 3322
- Blind Squirrels 2511
- Big and Tall 2007