Changing the NTSS formula
I've adopted the proposals first proposed by paraglider pilots for changing the NTSS points brought to a meet by NTSS ranked pilots in my proposed changes to the USHPA Competition Rulebook. You can find the proposed changes in this document. This is the proposed change:
1. Each competing pilot in the meet (a competing pilot is one who has duly registered and flown at least one competition day) who is NTSS ranked 80th or higher brings points to the meet in accordance with the following schedule:
Pilots ranked 1st - 15th: 45 points
Pilots ranked 16th - 30th: 30 points
Pilots ranked 31st - 45th: 20 points
Pilots ranked 46th - 60th: 15 points
Pilots ranked 61st - 75th: 10 points
Pilots ranked 76th- 80th: 5 points
Previously it was:
Pilots ranked 1st - 10th: 45 points
Pilots ranked 11th - 20th: 30 points
Pilots ranked 21st - 30th: 20 points
Pilots ranked 31st - 40th: 14 points
Pilots ranked 41st - 50th: 9 points
Pilots ranked 51st - 60th: 6 points
Pilots ranked 61st - 70th: 4 points
Pilots ranked 71st - 80th: 2 points
In addition this change:
1. Foreign pilots are welcome and allowed in USHPA Sanctioned competitions.
Pilots ranked 1st - 100th: 45 points
Pilots ranked 101st - 200th: 30 points
Pilots ranked 201st - 300th: 20 points
Pilots ranked 301st - 400th: 15 points
Pilots ranked 401st - 500th: 10 points
Pilots ranked 501st - 600th: 5 points
Previously it was:
The NTSS ranking is made up only of U.S. pilots. However, the NTSS recognizes, for the purpose of points calculation, an equivalent foreign pilot's ranking according to the most current WPRS ranking with the top 20 places equal to the top 10 U.S. pilots and the WPRS ranking 21 through 40 equal to the NTSS 11 to 20 and so on up to WPRS 140 through 160 equal to NTSS 70 through 80.
As you can see my proposed change to the NTSS competition program involves giving NTSS ranking points to more pilots so that they bring more points overall to competitions that they attend upping the perceived value of those meets (and thereby encouraging others to attend).
Dave Wheeler, who volunteers to do the NTSS ranking on the USHPA, graciously volunteered to see what difference this proposal would have made in the 2009 meets. Here is the result of his analysis:
Here is how the overall validity of the 2009 hang gliding competitions changed under this proposal:
Competition |
Validity |
Original |
New |
Forbes Flatland |
507 |
522 |
Bogong Cup |
472 |
487 |
NSW State Titles |
144 |
159 |
Rob Kells Memorial |
600 |
600 |
Flytec Race & Rally |
560 |
600 |
East Coast Championship |
300 |
300 |
King Mountain Nats |
300 |
300 |
Big Spring US Nats |
482 |
555 |
Santa Cruz Flats Race |
447 |
525 |
Here is how the top ten ranked at the end of the year (2009). First the new ranking under the new proposal:
Original top 10:
No change in positions, just an increase in the overall points and a bit more spread out. Ben Dunn came out worst.
So, under my proposal the cream still rises to the top, in exactly the same order, as it turns out. But the perception has subtly changed. Now smaller less well attended meets have higher relative value. The message for the future is that you might do well to attend these meets and gather points.
Also these meets may be perceived as having more value to pilots not yet in the top ten and therefore encourage their attendance. Overall, this proposal can be seen as tempering the "elitist" nature of the NTSS by spreading the points out more.
Next on the agenda, what does the LMR proposal due to the NTSS ranking?