How has Hang Gliding Changed my Life?
The Good Morning America production of the Big Spring US National Championships.
Very nicely edited. David Glover writes:
The USHPA BOD/HQ got the project rolling and provided the major
funding for the video producer. The town of Big Spring paid expenses for travel
and rental car. Russ Brown, Quest Air and Jon Thompson donated the aerial
platform for filming. Pilot Derreck Turner shared his room. None of it would
have happened without USHPA Magazine Editor and PR person - Nick Greece - who
coordinated all the pieces. I got a phone call an hour after it showed from a person in Texas wanting to
take a tandem flight (then never knew you could fly in the flat lands) - I gave
them Gregg Ludwig's contact information.
I too wish to thank the USHPA (and all those who helped) for
getting behind this project and getting some national exposure for our sport.