New USHPA web site for non pilots The new site is beautiful. But, Hang gliding dangerous, but paragliding not? (the second paragraph):
Hang gliding can be dangerous, and should only be performed under
proper supervision or by someone with technical experience and training. (the second paragraph):
The function of a paraglide is to soar on wind currents. The
record for staying aloft is over 11 hours, and the distance record, 186 miles
Lots of other questionable statements. For example,
Hang gliding is an outdoor sport popular around the world,
especially in California and the Western United States.
And the rest of the world? And how about this howler:
The function of a paraglide is to soar on wind currents. The
record for staying aloft is over 11 hours, and the distance record, 186 miles
(300km). The average flight for the every day enthusiast is about 3 hours, with
heights reaching 15,000 feet (4,500 meters).
Find the four errors there in the second paragraph. Looks like it is time for