On-line renewal?
The USHPA BOD/EC has finally taken the lead on getting an on-line
renewal system up and running. This was met with great resistance at first as it
has been for years. Tim Herr, the USHPA lawyer, was (and is) very much against
it. He has argued for years for a yearly re-signing (in link, on paper) of the
waiver, thereby requiring that the USHPA send out a form every year. The USHPA had to go to an outside lawyer to get another opinion about whether it
was good or required that we get members to resign the waiver on paper each
year. The outside opinion was that it was possible to do on-line renewal if the
waiver was re-written a bit. Then the waiver would be on-line and you could do a
couple of clicks and that would indicate that you are "signing" the waiver. This has not been implemented yet. It may not be implemented. Let's hope that
Rich Hass can get this implemented.