2010 Bogong Cup - day three
The forecast was again for winds, 19 - 23 knots at 4,000'. Emu launch (the only
one facing somewhat west) is 4,500'. The cloud base was forecasted to not be
much higher than the launch altitude. Rain (and snow) was also in the forecast.
It was 50 degrees Fahrenheit when I road my bicycle to the pilot briefing at
8:30 AM. For the first time ever that I have been in the Victorian Alps, they
felt like the European Alps. The clouds filled in and there was 100% cu cloud cover at 9 AM. You could not
see the top of
Mt. Bogong
(6,500'). The base was just 500'-1000' over the launch at Emu. It sure looked
like it would snow up in the mountains. The temperature at
Mt. Hotham was -3.4
Celsius. Given the wind forecast and all the wind readings, especially those in the
flats, the day was called. Later in the day there were only very brief periods
of windy conditions. But we had periods of rain and continued low cloud base.
Numerous times the clouds opened up, but then there was rain to accompany the
sun. Cold, all day, of course. I had a nice bike ride in down valley and back to the
Ceccanti Winery where
we had lunch the day before. Belinda feels that they have the best wine in
Australia. Italian style wines. Less thick. Other pilots took mountain bike rides up the hills behind Mount Beauty getting
lifts up the road with a bike trailer riding down the bike paths, then going
back up on the trailer again. The forecast is better for tomorrow and maybe we will get a competition day.