Our Draachen Fliegen Soaring Club will be offering individualized
parachute Familiarization And Re-pack Training (F.A.R.T.) sessions to pilots in
our club house at Cloud 9 Field on this upcoming Saturday, Jan. 30. Parachute
Opening and Re-Packing Notes (P.O.R.N.) will be provided.
It's been cold and dark for months now here in Michigan. We are getting a little
stir-crazy and need to have some fun in addition to just packing chutes. It's
Lisa Colletti's birthday, so we are making this a pot-luck birthday and FART
party. We will start at 2PM, and go until whenever.
There is no charge for the FART sessions and PORN. However, being a FART party,
please bring a fart-o-genic dish to pass (beans, burritos, very dark beer,
etc.). No smoking.