Change to the CIVL certified glider statement
From the CIVL Plenary minutes:
CERTIFIED GLIDER STATEMENT I, the undersigned, declare that the Class ___ glider
___________________________ (make) __________________ (model) I will fly in the
_______________________________ (Name of event) _____________________
Championship, from _________ to ___________ (dates) is a model certified by one
or more of the internationally recognized certifying bodies (namely the DHV,
HGMA or the BHPA). Furthermore I declare that I have not altered the
configuration of the glider since purchase, in a manner that would take it out
of certification, and as far as I am aware it is in certified configuration and
I undertake not to alter this configuration during the championship. I
understand that I am the sole individual responsible for the integrity of my
glider and to the best of my knowledge it is damage free and airworthy.
Mike Meier says that he likes this statement. I believe Steve
Pearson also agrees with this. This would appear to mean that the whole issue of
prototypes for Wills Wing at the Worlds is no longer an issue.