Embracing Uncertainty - what the day looked like
At a half hour after noon:
The wind was more south than southwest (both forecasts called for southwest
winds). As you can see there are cu's from south Florida up to the border. We
didn't go flying because of the forecast for southwest winds, that was obviously
a mistake on my part, and it looked a lot more like what the NAM forecast called
for than what the RUC forecast called for in terms of the likely lift. No one
flew (after the morning tandems) so we are not sure.
So far this Spring the NAM is doing a better job at forecasting.
Mike Barber, Fabiano, and Ken Martin flew here from Wallaby. There was a lot of
west in the southwest wind for them (see the later satellite photos showing the
winds being bent to the northeast. Mike and Fabiano landed about 4:30 PM just as
the overcast from the front started to appear to the north cutting down the
cumulus development in that direction. Mike reported 400+ fpm to cloud base. His
highest was 4,900' (much higher than the RUC forecast for today).
He did mention that at first the lift was choppy and weak and rough like we've
had the last few days here.