Gregg Ludwig <<GreggLudwig>>
I thought it might be worth while to remind tug pilots of the
requirement for tow currency while towing as a Private Pilot with tow
endorsement flying an LSA. It has not gone unnoticed by the FAA (AFS-610) that
tug pilots in general are not familiar with this requirement. It is simple to
maintain tow currency but failure to do so is as bad as flying without a current
flight review. If one were to look up this information in the 2010 AIM it would show this
requirement on a twelve month cycle but looking at the most current requirement
in 61.69 available online at it shows a change to twenty four months. Please remember also
that currency requirements are not complete until listed in your logbook. The
easiest way to maintain tug pilot currency is to fly a hang glider. See
applicable portion of 61.69 below: (6) Within twenty four calendar months before the flight has (i) Made at least three actual or simulated tows of a glider or unpowered
ultralight vehicle while accompanied by a qualified pilot who meets the
requirements of this section; or (ii) Made at least three flights as pilot in command of a glider or unpowered
ultralight vehicle towed by an aircraft.