Helping children wherever we fly
Keith Atkins <<bluemonkeyglider>>
After completing significant aid projects in Ecuador, the
Cloudbase Foundation (CBF) has just received notice and pictures about the
completed $3000 water tank project in Ghana, Africa from Reverend Jeremiah,
Director of Bless the Children Orphanage. The orphanage children now have a
clean water supply on their premises, so they no longer have to carry water from
their previous source that was not safe.
You can read about this project, as well as others, and see the accompanying
photos at:
In addition, the CBF recently sent a check for $3500 to the Dunlap, Tennessee
Elementary School for their digital projectors and materials for their special
education program. The CBF plans to hold a formal presentation ceremony at the
school within the next few weeks. We have planned projects for Big Spring, Texas
and other locales which you can read about at the CBF home page.
The CBF is pleased to be able to "help children wherever we fly" while promoting
goodwill and public relations for hang gliding and paragliding. We are grateful
to those of you who have supported and helped CBF meet the needs of children
through your volunteerism, networking, and donations.