What about the new USHPA strategic plan?
Wasn't one of the three goals to improve communication with (and
from) the members?
The USHPA BOD at the Fall BOD meeting passed the following new
addition to its standard operating procedures:
F. Chapters and its officers are required to be goodwill
ambassadors for USHPA and are expected to work within the USHPA committee system
to support USHPAs image and support USHPA programs. Chapters cannot on one hand
participate in USHPA subsidized programs and on the other take actions which are
detrimental to the USHPA and the sport. Examples of actions which may be
detrimental are: 1. Any correspondence in any public media which is critical of USHPAs programs
and policies. 2. Any correspondence in any public media which is critical of other Chapters. 3. Any Club policy which is detrimental or causes harm to any USHPA program.
Dave Wills, the chairman of the By Laws Committee that handles
changes to the SOPs, and now the USHPA Vice President, wrote to me:
That SOP (SOP 6.01.04F) was completely re-written and so change
bars were not possible. This was noted in several places prior to and during the
Board meeting, but I can't cite specific places right now. I also can't say
whether the minutes reflect this.
The minutes don't reflect this change. There were only three BOD members at the By Law committee meeting where this
section was added to the SOPs. Dave Wills, Ken Grubbs, and Mark Forbes. The By
Laws were passed by the whole BOD with minimal discussion. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Not just between USHPA members
(and chapter officers) and the USHPA (specifically, Dave Wills) but between
USHPA BOD members. How many knew what was going on here? Dave indicates that
this change was noted in several places. Were BOD members sufficiently aware of
it? Apparently not enough to make it to the By Laws committee meeting. Why wasn't this proposed change to the SOPs sent out to all the chapters before
the BOD meeting? Doesn't Dave think that they might have some useful input on
this proposal? Why is there no mention of this in the Chapter Support committee? Where is there real communication, when there is a real opportunity to have it?
Does the Oz Report always have to go behind the parade and clean up after the