Forbes Flying, day two
The air field has dried out although there is plenty of water in
the fields around it. The winds were forecasted to be six to eight knots on the
ground, but they were fourteen gusting to nineteen at 10 AM. As I pedaled to the
headquarters to download student flights I could see the lenticulars forming
over the tops of cumulus clouds. The sky was full of clouds from the early
morning on. The winds quieted down around noon and were very light out of the west on the
ground during the afternoon. This allowed pilots going for their aerotow
endorsement to have plenty of flights later in the day. They were unable to do
so in the early morning. The winds were eight knots out of the west up near cloud base, not the sixteen
to eighteen knots forecasted, which made for pleasant conditions around the
airfield. The sky was chocked full of thick cumulus clouds, much more than the day before.
The cloud streets were not as obvious if there at all. I tried running a few
lines without the outstanding success that I found on the previous day. Again the lift was super smooth although often averaging over 500 fpm. There are
lots of pilots here and with five tugs there is constant activity in the launch
area. I loosened the shoulder straps further and that much improved the comfort of the
Covert harness around the shoulders. I have loosened them even further for
another test tomorrow. The Velcro strip on the ends of the harness straps are
now in the buckle. I'm growing more accustom to the Moyes Litespeed RS 3.5. I've flown it straight
at 60 mph at full VG without any stress or strain.