Free Flight Risk Management Course
John Matylonek <<john>>
Free flight is a complex art form, whose learning curve, is more
akin to the martial arts in its devotion to physical skill and scuba diving in
its equipment intensive marriage to the environment. This makes it one the most
complex skills to learn on the planet. It requires better than average physical
coordination, technical skills and emotional aptitudes. Furthermore, this
learning curve lasts five years or more for the avid participant. Learning how
to learn is an essential skill in making smooth progress. But so is not taking
casual approach to the pitfalls. The enemy of the student is unconscious
incompetence, impulsivity, impatience and distraction in the first two years of
learning. The friend of the student is conscious incompetence, ability to delay
gratification, visualization of the well rounded pilot that you will become -
prepared, knowledgeable, honest with self, cautious but bold when you know the
skills are present and the conditions are right.
While some articles on risk, emphasize the common nature of all accidents, their
categorization and the physiological factors leading to them; others stress
outer environmental factors on the individual and the uniqueness of the process
leading up to the accident. Environmental risk studies allows one to able to
describe an accident. Categorical risk studies allows one to pigeon hole the
incident, so we can keep efficient records and improve on our operations.
Knowing how accidents happen and that all accidents can be categorized among
five or six types makes it easier to understand what went wrong. For the
individual, this gives a sense of control and the ability to avoid the situation
leading up to them. Furthermore, firmly identifying them, removes fear from
ambiguity and keeps us motivated. Furthermore, if we keep records of the kinds
we make, we can recommend changes in our programs of instruction, regulatory and
rating structure, protocol of flying sites, and the support roles of the the
USHPA membership. There is 50 question quiz at the end of this series of
articles and videos. So, study these well and memorize the five types error and
environmental factors that lead up to them before attempting the quiz. Login as