Forbes Floodlands, Day 2
The safety and task committees recommended calling the day after
we watched a cu-nimb pass by south of the airfield. I was for holding off on a
decision for a late day task, but it was an unpopular stand. I asked the safety
committee to relax for half an hour when we first arrived at the airfield, but
that wasn't enough. The sky had plenty of cu's,
clouds, and areas of overdevelopment, so it did not look all that
appetizing or safe for a task (although the safety committee thought it was safe
to launch). There were a few cu-nimbs around later in the day, but lots of open sky and
plenty of sun shine. I went for a bike ride with Flocky, 60 km up north toward
Bogan Gate. It was reasonably hot. I'm sure that some pilots went flying, but I
have no idea how far they got. The weather looks good for tomorrow.