Dennis Pagen XC-seminar during the Dutch Open 2011
Annet Vieregge <<harm.annet>>
This competition and seminar will take place from August the 7th
till August the 13th. Dennis Pagen is willing to do a XC-seminar again during the Dutch Open. This
kind of XC seminar has been organized many years in the past with great success.
At the site of the Dutch competition the students will have theoretical lessons
in the morning, watch and discuss the competition task of the day, fly their own
task in small teams with an instructor each, and debrief during the evening.
They will learn theoretical and practical competencies, required for cross
country- and competition flying. Transportation up the mountain and retrieval
will be provided for, together with transportation for the competitors. The costs of this seminar will be about (transportation included) 450,-/
500,-. Students will need to have a license (IPPI level 3) and the skills to
launch, fly and land independently and they must have some experience with
thermaling. Also a two meter radio is required. Only when we have enough
participants this seminar will take place, so please if you are interested send
us an email. Contact or questions? <Wedstrijden> or <harm.annet>. New information will be placed on