Watching the competition
Paragliding Cross Country Competitions, interactive presentations from Niceclouds on Vimeo.
Inspired by Gliders GrandPrix, this is the way I see task
reporting should be done. I made one example where I tried to show all in two
videos and interactive kmz file that you can open with your Google Earth and
explore. I have only tested it on last version. - Winter Cup Video... as good as I know how to put it together without spending
to much time - Winter Cup KMZ google earth interactive file How should - could be done: One option is by Google Earth with interactive
presentation containing everything, turnpoints, tasks presentations, all tracks
with pilot names and 3d personalized models, daily top 10 pilot competition
tours, results, videos, photos, sponsor links, overlays on the takeoff, goal
line, turn points etc.The point is, to present what it is all about, with
information what is going on. All this data can be then used to make video task
reports. With Google earth and some scripting, we have powerful tool to use it
for free by our fingertips.