Wallaby Demo Days and Landing Clinic reminder
Mike Meier <<Mike>>
Just a reminder the Wills Wing Wallaby 2011 Demo Days and Fly-In
will be held next week - Wednesday, March 23rd through Sunday March 27th, with
our traditional party and dinner on Saturday night March 26th. As previously announced, this year Ryan Voight will be hosting one of his very
highly regarded landing clinics on Thursday and Friday, March 24th and 25th. The
clinic will include video and analysis of your landings and is free, other than
the cost of your tows. Participants can get a reduced rate on tows during the
clinic by pre-registering - just send an email with your name and "Landing
Clinic" in the subject line to <mike> . (You should plan to provide your own glider for the
landing clinic - availability of demo gliders will be limited.) The clinic will start each day with a pilots meeting at 7:30 am, and the launch
window will open when the tugs fire up at approximately 8:00 am. Well fly until
the breakfast bell rings at approximately 10:00 am, then break for breakfast and
meet afterwards for video review and classroom analysis of the landings. We hope to see you at Wallaby in 2011!