The 2011 Flytec Race and Rally - a sweet competition
The 2011 Flytec Race and Rally was a miraculous competition with
incredibly good weather, great task calling, and excellent piloting on the part
of the competitors. Jamie Shelden did a masterful job of organizing, keeping
many balls in the air and making many last minute decisions and arrangements
which are necessary with a traveling circus. Hotel rooms, restaurants, airports,
press, tug landing spots, launch spots, etc. It was simply amazingly well run. Russell Brown and the tug pilots handled all their various duties (launch folks,
then fly to the new airfield, and maintain all the aircraft and ground vehicles
and crew) with aplomb. We hauled them through three states. The press relations were exceptional and the Cloudbase Foundation was in the
forefront at all locations with generous support to local charity needs. I had a great time and loved the flying especially the last jump over the border
into South Carolina. Georgia was beautiful and a great place to fly.