2011 US National Open (sort of) Distance Contest
CJ and George Sturtevant <<georges>>
Annual Chelan (Washington) XC Classic is also the 2011 USHPA
Open-distance Nats, July 4-9
Across much of the country it's hard to believe this, but summer is right around
the corner, and shortly after the arrival of summer comes the annual Chelan
Cross-country Classic (CXCC), July 4-9. Both hangs and paras have been knocking
off phenomenal flights in eastern Washington this spring (how many paraglider
pilots have made 80+ milers already this season?!), and it's only going to get
The CXCC's unique format allows each pilot to determine his or her own task for
the day: open distance, out and backs or triangles there are no fixed goals.
Whether or not you're not into the gaggles and structure of formal competition,
if you enjoy the challenges of XC flying, this is the event for you no racing,
nobody but you making the decision on the best way for you and your glider to
maximize the day's conditions.
This year's Classic is also the USHPA open-distance hang gliding nationals, but
don't let that scare you anti-gaggle, anti-racing folks off the Nats
designation won't change anything, other than bringing some of our hottest hang
pilots to Chelan for that week.
Nats participants must be rated H3 or higher with FSL sign-off; all pilots
flying at Chelan Butte must be rated H3 or P3 and be current USHPA members.
Entry fee for all pilots is $100 by July 5th. Trophies will be awarded for 1st
and 2nd place in each class. For more information contact Steven Alford
425-273-6847, <airczr>. You
can register online and pay by PayPal at